The 2007 Gourmet Food & Wine Expo

Eat, drink and be merry

THIS past weekend, the Metro Convention Centre was host to the Annual Gourmet Food & Wine Expo. Exhibitors ranged from food suppliers to wineries, all displaying their best products and serving generous samples for all to experience. This year’s themed wine was Chilean—Chile boasts the healthiest grape-growing climates in the world, with little use for pesticides or other treatments—so it’s no wonder that it is becoming a growing sensation among wine enthusiasts around the globe.

For those of you who have never been to the Expo, in addition to your admission ticket, you can purchase sampling tickets, which are exchanged at any exhibit for a sample of what they have to offer. Admission includes a complimentary wine glass, which is used for sampling throughout the night, and let me tell you, these were the best kind of samples one could receive—my glass was happily filled up to 2 oz. or more each time for a mere one or two sample tickets (each ticket costs $1 and must be purchased in sheets of 10 minimum). For the expo-goers who are not as eager to sample the fine wine, spirits, and beers (crazy, I know), there was more than enough variety of food to tantalize your taste buds, satisfy your hunger—or fulfill temptation. I enjoyed samples from AquaStar’s breaded shrimp to plates of assorted cheeses, as well as free (yes, free!) samples of Nestea Green Tea and Marzetti’s Old Fashioned Caramel Apple Dip. If the alcohol and food was still not enough to keep you occupied, there were many other things for you to see at the expo. Contraptions made to keep your wine chilled while remaining stylish, wine fridges, and even wine glass holders which hang around your neck—allowing you to walk hands swinging—were all being showcased and sold on site. Basically, any and everything gourmet food and wine related could be found at the expo, so to ensure that there was lots to taste, see, and do. There were also many sessions being held on how to taste wine and pair it with appropriate foods. A special program that the expo hosts is called Tutored Tastings, which are lead by wine experts and celebs, such as Kevin Brauch, from The Tasty Traveller and Iron Chef America (both of which can be seen on The Food Network)—however these sessions are separate from your admission (but will include a free admission to the expo), and can be somewhat costly, but probably worth it if you are a dire wine fan or budding enthusiast.

Overall, a must-attend event in my books, I'll be back next year.

A live Chilean band keeps the crowd entertained throughout the event

Dance instructors leading some basic salsa steps to get the crowd up on their feet

The Fine Wine Tasting Lounge

They seem to love their ice sculptures...

Satisfied expo-goers all around

For more information, visit

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Talk Is Cheap

A social media `unconference`

LAST night, over 200 [correction: just over 160] PR-inclined bodies attended the Talk Is Cheap unconference at Centennial College Centre for Creative Communication. The night was filled with insightful 20-minute seminars regarding new social media, its users, and its impacts. Speakers covered topics from the Do's and Don'ts of the industry to Social Media and its influence on Social Change.

Talk Is Cheap was organized and facilicated by Gary Schlee, sponsored by the IABC/Toronto, and featured a large handful of PR industry figures. It was a great night for networking and getting educated on new social media and changes that the industry has been going through in regards to forms of communication. What made it even better was that it was all free! Can't get any better than that.

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Third Tuesdays

`Meetup` & greetup

LAST night, I attended my very first Third Tuesdays meetup event, at Bar Wellington. Third Tuesdays is a free monthly Meetup event for people within the PR and advertising industry to attend, with the opportunity to learn more about the ever-evolving industries through speaker sessions, and to meet and mingle with others who share the same interests.

I arrived with my friend to a quaint little bar on the corner of Wellington and Portland, the top floor already buzzing with conversation. Not knowing what to expect, I sat quietly to the side and observed. There were many people in attendance, and it was pretty close quarters. Soon, we got approached by the organizer Joseph Thornley, and conversations sprouted amongst us and the other attendees continuously for the rest of the evening. I met some pretty interesting people, and even exchanged contacts (SIDE NOTE: if you've made your way onto my little blog site, I wonder if you noticed my little error on my card! Mistakes happen, right? Right? Ha ha!)

All in all, it was a very good evening, and I can definitely see a lot of potential in this group as a useful networking tool. I'm glad I found out about it, with me starting at Humber Lakeshore in January for the PR postgrad certificate program and all.

Time to browse my Meetup account for upcoming events to RSVP to!

One more note: there is a social media conference happening on November 15th, organized by Gary Schlee, a PR professor at Centennial College and a fellow Third Tuesdays member. For more information about this event and to attend, visit

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The Mighty Canadian Dollar

The bandwagon continues to get filled

THE buzz on the Canadian vs. US dollar continues to grow. Model Giselle Bündchen has announced that she would prefer to sign contracts in any currency other than USD$--even CAD$! Times certainly have changed.
Giselle is estimated to be the world's highest paid model by Forbes magazine.

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